Guides on work with key populations

In this publication we will look at guides on work with key and affected groups in terms of fight against tuberculosis, developed by “Stop TB Partnership”.

ACTION report. From policy to practice: How the TB-HIV response is working

A Global Health Advocacy Partnership (ACTION) has published a new research report From Policy to Practice: How the TB-HIV Response is Working and launched it at the 2016 International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa.


The Communities Delegation to the UNITAID Board represents people living with and affected by HIV, TB and Malaria and those co-infected with HIV and HCV, at UNITAID Board and Committee level. It is seeking new community activist especially from EECA to join their team.

TBEC’s Position Paper: Challenges and solutions for sustainable transition from donor support in EECA

EECA RP partner, TB Europe Coalition, publishes concrete recommendations to all stakeholders in order to ensure countries in EECA can face sustainable and responsible transitions from donor support and guarantee the continuation and scale up of the TB and HIV response – “Transitioning from donor support. HIV and TB programmes in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: […]

Key groups affected by TB – who are they?

When we talk about key groups affected by HIV, we all know who we mean. However, it gets more difficult with TB. What are these groups, who belongs to them?   TABLE 3.1. KEY AFFECTED GROUPS OF POPULATION People, subjected to INCREASED RISK of becoming ill with TB due to life and work conditions Imprisoned, […]

Tuberculosis (online course)

Health Care Workers and Health Professions Students can prepare to plan and deliver TB care in their communities by applying the latest clinical and research data presented in this nine-week course focusing on TB/HIV Co-Infection.