GF’s allocations methodology for 2017-2019

The Board has approved a methodology for determining the allocations for 2017-2019.

GF new policy on sustainability, transition, and co-financing

The Global Fund’s new strategy for the period 2017-2022 has a strong focus on the sustainability of investments. This includes supporting countries that are transitioning from Global Fund support to domestic reliance for their disease programs.

What is NFM?

Here we have gathered all the necessary information for you to understand what the New Funding Model (NFM) is, why it is new and what have you got to do with it.

Global Fund: guidance for beginners

Detailed and simple description of Global Fund, its structures and operating principle, prepared by Independent observer of Global Fund Aidspan.

Leaflet: the Global Fund

A small informational booklet on what the Global Fund is

Progress report: CRG SI (September, 2015)

What is the Community, Rights and Gender Special Initiative, what are it’s main components and what has been done so far?