2nd Regional Consultation on HIV among MSM and Trans People in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The 2nd Regional Consultation on HIV among MSM and Trans People in Eastern Europe and Central Asia “New Challenges and Approaches in the Response to the HIV Epidemic among MSM and Trans People in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”  be held on 31 May – 1 June 2018 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

EHRA is looking for for the expert to develop and facilitate Workshop in Azerbaijan

The Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA) in the scope of the EECA Regional Platform project supported by the Global Fund is aimed to organize a workshop targeted on civil society and community representatives in Azerbaijan.

Consequences of the GF’s withdrawal from Serbia

Since the Global Fund has shifted the focus of its 2012-2016 Strategy and investments towards “highest-impact countries,” the EECA has experienced a 15 percent reduction in health funding for three diseases. This is a bigger funding loss than in any other region.  The Global Fund’s emphasis on disease burden and income level has meant decreased […]

Overview of the 2017 projects and advocacy initiatives aimed at ensuring sustainable transition from donor to domestic funding in EECA

Within Regional Platform-EECA project, ERHN has conducted overview of the 2017 projects and advocacy initiatives aimed at ensuring sustainable transition from donor to domestic funding in CEECA and provided the results in one document.

UNAIDS new report: urgent action is needed to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030

NEW YORK, 06 May 2016—A new report, On the Fast-Track to end the AIDS epidemic,  released by the United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, warns that the AIDS epidemic could be prolonged indefinitely if urgent action is not implemented within the next five years.