Malaria (online course)

Malaria isn’t as common in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region, but it still occurs in a couple of countries and needs to be fought. Learn more about malaria and its effects on health.

Global Health/Public Health (online courses)

You work in Public Health. It can also be called Global Health if you look at it from a wider prospective. But do you know much about it? These courses will help structure your knowledge and define the gaps for further improvement.

Tuberculosis (online course)

Health Care Workers and Health Professions Students can prepare to plan and deliver TB care in their communities by applying the latest clinical and research data presented in this nine-week course focusing on TB/HIV Co-Infection.


UNGASS is an abbreviation for the United Nations General Assembly Special Session, called by the UN General Assembly for issues requiring special attention.

Turning the Tide Against HIV and Tuberculosis

Global Fund Investment Guidance for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

2016 High Level Meeting on ending AIDS

The world is counting down to the 2016 High Level Meeting on ending AIDS. What is it? When will it take place? And why is there so much fuss about it?