AVAC: Call for 2017 Fellows

AVAC is announcing a call for applications for 2017 Advocacy Fellows, join the 50 Fellows and alumni of the program!

Guides on work with key populations

In this publication we will look at guides on work with key and affected groups in terms of fight against tuberculosis, developed by “Stop TB Partnership”.

New Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS: new advocacy tool

30.06.2016, in terms of implementation of project “Regional Platform-EECA”, EHRN as a part of EECA Consortium conducted a webinar “New Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS: new tool for advocacy on national and regional levels”. Below you can see key points of discussion.

Become a member of The Union Board of Directors

The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) is seeking three new members, two of which – from affected communities to join their Board of Directors (consisting of twenty four members – seven regional representatives, four scientific section representatives, eleven individual member representatives and two members nominated by the President).

Advocacy Briefs – Key Populations and the Global Fund: Delivering Key Results

Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN) and the Free Space Process, with support of ICSS and ICASO, has published advocacy briefs, that examine the evidence around the vital role that key and vulnerable populations play in advancing results through Global Fund investments.

UNAIDS and KFF report. Financing the Response to HIV in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: International Assistance from Donor Governments in 2015

The new report by the Kaiser Family Foundation and UNAIDS, provides the latest data available on donor funding disbursements based on data provided by governments. It includes their bilateral assistance to low- and middle-income countries and contributions to the Global Fund as well as UNITAID.