Call for Membership to the Communities Delegation to the Board of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

The mission of the Communities Delegation is to bring the voices and issues of people living with HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria to the deliberations of the Global Fund Board and its committees, and through this, to ensure greater and sustained impact of the Global Fund at the community level.

The Global Fund’s 6th Partnership Forum: Call for Civil Society participant nominations

The Global Fund is preparing to host its 6th Partnership Forums, to be held virtually in 2021 and is currently seeking its partners’ support to identify and nominate potential participants.

World Bank 2020 report “Tackling the World’s Fastest-Growing HIV Epidemic. More Efficient HIV Responses in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”

The report contains an overview of the results and recommendations from the HIV allocative efficiency studies conducted by the World Bank and partner agencies in 11 countries in the EECA region: Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, North Macedonia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

Community Engagement Toolbox

Resources from the Regional Communication and Coordination Platforms to support civil society and community engagement in Global Fund-related processes

Funding Opportunity: UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women

The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) is seeking applications from civil society organizations (CSOs) working on the front lines of the COVID-19 response and recovery to address and respond to the growing reports of the rise of violence against women and girls (VAWG) in the context of the current […]

TB People is looking for Six Regional Focal Points including from EECA to support global consultation and joint position paper on TB and PUD

TBpeople seeks to hire six regional focal points (RFPs), who will support the process of a global consultation by covering the following six regions: European Region (including Eastern Europe and Central Asia); Americas; Middle East and North Africa; Anglophone Africa; Francophone Africa; Asia and Pacific.