
The EECA Resource Center is aimed to gather all necessary information about issues on communities, rights, gender, technical assistance and anything, connected to activities of the Global Fund and other donors in the region. Here you will find publications, videos, links to learning courses and a lot of other useful information. We are always open to your suggestions, comments and will be happy to post your resources in our Resource Center.

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Gender: review of main publications

Main documents on gender issues within the fight against HIV and TB epidemics.

Advancing combination HIV prevention: advocacy brief 

This guide aims to support advocates from community-led organisations as they engage with policy makers at national, district and local levels to advocate for combination HIV prevention and shape their country’s HIV programmes.

Recommendations for transitioning countries

A joint publication of APMGlobal Health and Aidspan. Produced with support from UNAIDS. This paper addresses the issue of transitioning to greater domestic investment for HIV and provides us with practical recommendations, examples, various methods and possible approaches.

Turning the Tide Against HIV and Tuberculosis

Global Fund Investment Guidance for Eastern Europe and Central Asia


During the UN General Assembly in New York in June 8-10 2016, there will be a high level meeting on HIV/AIDS. This ACTION ALERT aims to inform civil society organizations about how to get involved in the meeting.