Share your opinions – fill Stakeholder Survey for Strategic Planning for The Robert Carr Fund

The Robert Carr Fund (RCF) wants to hear from you to help shape its future. It invites you to complete a brief survey to share your opinions and experiences related to the work of the RCF.

The RCF is undertaking an exercise to develop a strategic plan for 2020-2024. It invites you to complete a brief survey to share your opinions and experiences related to the work that RCF has done since its launch in 2012, and the direction in which it should move during its 2020-2024 strategy period. This PowerPoint presentation provides more information on the full strategic planning process and how stakeholders will be engaged.

You can access the survey here:

In English –

En français –

En español –

*Russian and Arabic versions are forthcoming.

This survey will take about 20 minutes to complete. The survey is open from March 26th to April 10th. Responses are anonymous. If you have any problems accessing the survey, please contact the consultant team that is managing this process: