The Robert Carr Fund announces $2,5M in funding for civil society networks

The Robert Carr Fund for civil society networks (RCF) announces $2,5M in funding for civil society networks, to foster creativity, innovation, and exploration of strategic change for the HIV response.

Share your opinions – fill Stakeholder Survey for Strategic Planning for The Robert Carr Fund

The Robert Carr Fund (RCF) wants to hear from you to help shape its future. It invites you to complete a brief survey to share your opinions and experiences related to the work of the RCF.

Robert Carr Fund is looking for independent reviewers

Robert Carr Fund (RCF) is looking for a diverse pool of experts in the field of HIV, human rights, and inadequately served populations* with a focus on civil society and community responses to the epidemic.

Robert Carr Fund Request For Proposals Now Open

The Robert Carr Fund (RCF) for civil society networks is pleased to announce an open Request For Proposals (RFP) for 2019-2021.