Urgent context: Advancing combination HIV prevention brief and campaign

UNAIDS and the Alliance have produced an advocacy tool to support community-led organisations make the case for greater investment in HIV combination prevention at national, district and local levels.

The context is urgent. In less than 100 days, the 2016 United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS will take place in New York (6-10 June). The Outcome Document which will be agreed by governments will be of critical importance to accelerate the response to HIV over the next five years, and set the world on course to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Advancing combination prevention follows on from the 2015 UNAIDS reference paper, Fast Tracking Combination Prevention.

The brief covers:

  • why it is important to act now,
  • why a combination prevention approach is so vital, and
  • gives the ‘A-B-C’ of what countries need to do – from calling on prevention programmes to be grounded in evidence, to advocating for national plans to achieve scale and coverage, and finally, demanding funds for HIV prevention, including for community-led responses.

Four community-led case studies are included – focused on harm reduction in Kenya, work with girls and young women in Uganda, improving health services for MSM in Paraguay, and prevention among sex workers in India.

Join the campaign

UNAIDS campaign: Quarter for HIV Prevention (#quarter4HIVprevention)

Aim: to recapture imagination and hope for HIV prevention; call for countries to examine how much they invest in HIV prevention.

FACEBOOK: A Quarter for HIV Prevention Facebook Group

TWITTER: @QtrPrevention  #Qtr4HIVprevention


Download the brief here.

Read more on the International HIV/AIDS Alliance website.