
Launch of open consultation on Global Fund Strategy development

Global Fund has launched an open consultation on the development of the post-2022 strategy. A background presentation is attached that explains the consultation process and lists a set of questions for reflection and input. The first round of input received by 1 September 2020 will be reviewed by the Global Fund Board’s Strategy Committee in […]

Strategic focus on rights and gender in new Strategy seen as vital for scaling up coverage of key and vulnerable populations

A focus on human rights and gender equality is front and centre in The Global Fund’s new strategy for 2017-2022. Approved at the 35th Board meeting in Abidjan at the end of April, the new strategy has four strategic objectives, each with several operational objectives.

WHO Europe Web-consulation: 2 strategic drafts

Web-consultation has been launched aiming to get feedback on two newly developed draft documents of the WHO Regional office for Europe:

CGR issues in GF’s new Strategy 2017-2022

Community, rights and gender issues have a higher profile, but challenges remain in demonstrating impact

GF’s allocations methodology for 2017-2019

The Board has approved a methodology for determining the allocations for 2017-2019.