Technical Brief: Gender Equity

Gender equity means that everyone has an opportunity to attain their full health and wellbeing according to their respective needs, with no one disadvantaged due to gender norms, roles and relationships.

Tuberculosis, Gender and Human Rights Technical Brief

The Global Fund’s strategy includes an objective about “Promoting and protecting human rights and gender equality”, recognizing the urgent need to eliminate health disparities among men, women, adolescent girls and boys, and transgender people.

Theory and practice of involving non-governmental stakeholders in CCM activities, based on practices in selected countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Theory and practice of involving non-governmental stakeholders in CCM activities Based on practices in selected countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia Increasingly, non-governmental CCM members are elected from within their constituencies following selection procedures developed by these constituencies and as required by the Global Fund CCM Guidelines.

Technical Brief HIV, Human Rights, and Gender Equality

Years of experience and greater understanding of HIV prevention and treatment now enable the world to end the HIV epidemic as a public health problem. But the evidence shows that reaching this goal is possible only if there is much greater focus on addressing the vulnerabilities that lead to HIV infection, including targeting the populations […]

HIV prevention services for key populations in Albania on the brink of collapse – open letter from Albanian NGOs

Albanian NGOs issued an open letter expressing their concerns regarding a difficult context of provision of HIV services to key populations groups in Albania.

Global Fund Webinar – Matching Funds

On January the Global Fund will be offering a webinar on Matching Funds. This webinar will include detailed guidance on the process and the conditions for each of the matching funds for the new cycle, along with a Question and Answer session for any outstanding clarifications.