AIDS Fund: deadline for small grant applications is approaching!

The Aids Fonds is seeking applications for its 2016 small grants program primarily concerning HIV/AIDS related issues.

Research grant: Sustained Release of Antivirals for Treatment or Prevention of HIV

NIH is announcing a research project grant opportunity for Sustained Release of Antivirals for Treatment or Prevention of HIV.

Call for research proposals: “Understanding STI Co-infection In At Risk and HIV Infected Adolescents and Young Adults”

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is seeking applications for a program entitled “Understanding STI Co-infection In At Risk and HIV Infected Adolescents and Young Adults” with an aim to facilitate improved understanding of the interactions between HIV and STIs in the adolescent genital and gastrointestinal mucosa.

MTV Staying Alive Grant: Small Grants to Youth led CBOs working to fight HIV in most Innovative Ways

MTV Staying Alive Grant program invites young people, passionate about HIV awareness, to contribute towards fighting HIV globally.

TA on Transition planning

If you are interested in sustainability of HIV and TB programs upon GF’s exit from the region, we recommend you not to hesitate to request technical support on planning the process of transition to national funding.