Opportunity: Join the Community, Rights and Gender (CRG) Advisory Group of the Global Fund Secretariat

Call for Applications to join the CRG Advisory Group which was formed to provide advice to the Global Fund Secretariat on issues related to key populations, community systems strengthening, gender, and human rights.

The group ensures consistency and coordination of inputs and dialogue between the various groups or networks that have historically advised the Global Fund on inter-related areas. The Advisory Group reports on a regular basis to the Global Fund Secretariat through the CRG Department Head. The CRG department seeks the Advisory Group’s input on technical documents, guidance notes and other materials. Input is shared with other departments in the Secretariat as relevant.

The Advisory Group consists of approximately 18 members, who serve on a voluntary basis for a maximum of three years, with staggered rotation of about one third of members each year. This group brings together experts from different communities on community systems and responses, gender, representatives from key population networks, and from the Communities and two NGO delegations to the Global Fund Board. A limited number of technical partners also participate as observers. Other members—including independent experts from communities—address gaps in expertise that may arise on an ad hoc basis.

During this recruitment period, members are especially sought with lived experience and expertise in refugees, migrants, internally displaced people, malaria, tuberculosis, universal health coverage (UHC), human rights programming experience, and women’s health and rights.

The Advisory Group seeks to have a balance of geographical representation, gender identities, and people living with HIV or affected by TB and malaria, key populations and young people. The majority of members are from implementer countries.
Members should be able to contribute in a timely manner while linking to the constituencies or networks they represent.

Members are sought with the interest and opportunity to engage in email exchanges, occasional teleconferences, and face-to-face meetings (when feasible). Advisory Group members are expected to provide feedback on a short notice with regards to Global Fund strategies, policies, evaluations and reports relating to CRG and to respect confidentially whenever their participation exposes them to sensitive or confidential matters. Members should agree to contribute to a number of tasks including, but not limited to:
• Providing timely advice on Global Fund strategies and policies relating to CRG;
• Providing timely advice on the development of materials (e.g. information notes, policy papers, media communications and educational materials) on CRG; and
• Sharing information with and ensuring coordination between their respective constituencies, and additional stakeholders as appropriate.

All Advisory Group members are expected to have some experience of the Global Fund at national, regional or global level, as well as a significant understanding of its processes. No formal training will be provided when members assume their role. Advisory Group members will not make any statements or representations on behalf of the Global Fund, nor will they hold themselves out as authorized representatives of the Global Fund.

Please send your CV and a brief explanation of your qualifications and interest by email to: Rene.Bangert@theglobalfund.org by 7 October 2020.

Full description please see here