e-Learning Platform for Health Professionals Serving Gay and Bisexual Men

CPR* is a new e-learning hub assembled by MSMGF (The Global Forum on MSM & HIV) and made possible with support from the Levi Strauss Foundation and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It offers continuing education opportunities for all health professionals including healthcare providers, community and government clinic workers, NGOs and CBOs, policy makers and other health sector stakeholders to ensure that sexual health programs for gay and bisexual men are aligned with WHO-endorsed global standards for services. This includes a major focus on interventions across the full HIV services continuum, including prevention, treatment, care and support.

You can access CPR by clicking here. Video lectures and ebooks are currently available on the following 5 topics:

  1. Defining Community Empowerment
  2. Power and Health
  3. Key Elements of Community Empowerment, Part 1
  4. Key Elements of Community Empowerment, Part 2
  5. Monitoring Progress on Community Empowerment Initiatives 

CPR content is mainly based on the UN guidance document, the MSM Implementation Toolkit or MSMIT and other key source materials such as the MSMGF’s own 9-module provider training curriculum developed with Johns Hopkins University.

CPR aims to serve as the most comprehensive learning hub for health professionals serving gay and bisexual men worldwide. In the coming months, MSMGF will release over 250 hours’ worth of videos and review content. The modular nature of CPR will allow learners to direct their learning based on their own interests or needs.