Webinar: Opportunities for civil society in EECA within the Global Fund’s Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) Strategic Initiative (SI) in 2022

When: 12th of May, 4 pm Kiev time / 3 pm CET   

Length: 1 hour 30 min

Language: English with simultaneous translation into Russian

How to access: please register at:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAuc–rpj4jGdX7edXxsanWnmQtm9hTs0ug


  • Keith Mienies, Technical Advisor, Community Responses & Systems, Community Rights and Gender Department, The Global Fund
  • Susan Perez, Program Officer, Community-led Monitoring Strategic Initiative, Community, Rights and Gender Department, The Global Fund
  • Raine Cortes, Senior Program Officer, COVID-19 Community-led Monitoring, Community, Rights and Gender (CRG) Department
  • Nadia Rafif, Advocacy and Influence Lead, ITPC Global, CLM TA provider in Ukraine

Facilitator: representative of the EECA Regional Platform


  • to inform the webinar participants about the CLM SI, its objectives, and key interventions including TA opportunities available for civil society and communities in EECA (including Ukraine in particular) in 2022.
  • to update about what was already achieved within the current phase of CLM SI in EECA region so far and inform about the future plans (including CLM C19RM Phase 2, support to strengthen the CLM components within NFM4 proposals, etc).
  • to receive feedback from the civil society in EECA and learn more about their CLM related needs

Target audience: NGO and communities’ representatives from EECA countries implementing and/or eligible for Global Fund’s HIV and TB grants.


  • Information about the Current phase (2021 – 2023) of the Global Fund’s Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) Strategic Initiative (SI): key objectives and interventions (GF CLM SI Team)
  • Long-term, Medium-term and Short-term CLM TA: eligibility, focus, a mechanism to request TA, TA Providers (GF CLM SI Team)
  • Ukraine as a priority country for the long-term CLM TA – quick overview of the scope of TA and progress so far, challenges due to the war and adjustments, next steps (ITPC Global)
  • CLM C19RM Phase 1 – its overview, progress in EECA so far (GF CLM SI Team)
  • CLM C19RM Phase 2 – objectives, timeline, opportunities for civil society in EECA (GF CLM SI Team)
  • Opportunities to strengthen the CLM components within NFM4 proposals, any other updates on the future plans within the CLM SI (GF CLM SI Team)
  • Reminding about the CRG TA Program and its key difference from CLM TA (EECA Regional Platform)
  • Q&A and Discussion