Materials and Publications

Interregional workshop in preparation for transitioning towards domestic financing in TB, HIV and Malaria response

This report is prepared on a workshop, organized jointly by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, WHO headquarters, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the United States Agency for International Development, took place on 17–19 October 2018, in Tbilisi, Georgia.

The impact of the Global Fund’s Eligibility Policy on access of KAPs to HIV services in Romania

Abstract: In the light of the recent approval of the Revised Global Fund’s Eligibility Policy at the 39th Meeting of the Global Fund Board this article provides an overview of the Romanian “eligibility story” and continuous attempts of Romanian NGOs to break the political barriers within the Global Fund and prove their eligibility to receive […]

The sustainability of the results of the last Global Fund HIV grant for Russia are under a threat

Abstract: The results of the implementation of the recently closed HIV program in Russsia are under a threat due to the ineligibility of country for Global Fund‘s transition funding and unwillingness of the government to suppot the implemented activities. At the same time there is a chance that Ruissa could become eligible for GF HIV […]

Global Fund grant to Ukraine finds treatment success for multidrug-resistant TB with two-pronged approach

Author: Ivan Varentsov, EHRA Sustainability and Transition Advisor and Coordinator of the EECA Regional Platform for Communication and Coordination

TBEC case study on the impact of Global Fund transition on the region (procurement in Georgia)

Georgia has a low HIV prevalence and decreasing incidence rates of tuberculosis (TB), indicative of strong leadership and collaboration between partners to fight the two diseases. However, there remains an increasing number of HIV cases in key populations, including people who inject drugs and men who have sex with men, treatment outcomes remain unfavourable for […]