Global Fund Technical Brief Tuberculosis, Gender and Human Rights

The purpose of this technical brief is: to assist Global Fund applicants to consider how to include programs to remove human rights and gender-related barriers to tuberculosis prevention, diagnosis and treatment services within funding requests, and to help all stakeholders ensure that TB programs promote and protect human rights and gender equality.

Global Fund Technical Brief: Addressing HIV and TB in Prisons, Pre-Trial Detention and Other Closed Settings

This technical brief describes how HIV and TB interventions for people in prison and other closed settings can be incorporated into funding requests to the Global Fund. The Global Fund supports evidence- and rights-based interventions aimed at ensuring access to HIV and TB prevention, treatment, care, and support for key populations, including people in prison.

Global Fund Technical brief on HIV and key populations Programming at scale with sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender people, people who inject drugs, and people in prison and other closed settings

The purpose of this technical brief is to provide information for countries preparing funding requests for comprehensive programs that address the cascade of HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care for the following key populations: male, female, and transgender sex workers, gay men and other men who have sex with men, transgender people (especially transgender women), […]

Global Fund Technical Brief HIV, Human Rights, and Gender Equality

The purpose of this Technical Brief is to assist Global Fund applicants in their efforts to include and expand concrete and effective programs to remove human rights-related barriers to HIV prevention, diagnosis and treatment services.

Global Fund Technical Brief: Community Systems Strengthening

This technical brief gives practical guidance to countries to maximize the impact of programs resourced by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria through community systems strengthening.