Аssessment of the sustainability of the opioid agonist therapy programme in the context of transition from donor support to domestic funding in Belarus

This assessment has been initiated by the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association to assess the progress in reaching sustainability of the opioid agonist therapy (OAT) programme in the Republic of Belarus in the context of transition from donor support to domestic funding. The sustainability assessment of the OAT programme in the Republic of Belarus in 2020 was implemented with the funding provided through the technical support mechanism (TSM) of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).

his assessment was carried out in Belarus in February – April 2020. It covers the current situation, progress made, risks and opportunities to ensure the sustainability of OAT programs in the Republic of Belarus, with a focus on programmatic aspects and a focus on the following three areas: politics and management, finance and resources, and services. The assessment includes a review section, analysis of progress, obstacles and opportunities in each of the areas, as well as general conclusions and recommendations for government ministries and departments, national coordinating bodies, practitioners, civil society, technical partners and donors. The evaluation also includes relevant recommendations on adaptation of the OAT programs in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The assessment tools and related guide were developed by the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association based on previous framework concepts, as well as experience in assessing sustainability and preparedness for transition in the areas of HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and harm reduction with the support of the UNFPA Regional Office for Population (UNFPA) for Eastern Europe and Central Asia in 2019.

Аssessment of the sustainability of the opioid agonist therapy programme in the context of transition from donor support to domestic funding in Belarus


Presentation by Raminta Stuikyte

Presentation by Aleksei Kralko