Stop TB Partnership’s TB REACH launches its Wave 7 round of funding

Stop TB Partnership’s TB REACH launches its Wave 7 round of funding to improve TB case finding and treatment outcomes with an emphasis on the empowerment of women and girls to lead key approaches in TB response.

The call for proposals frames TB REACH grants as innovations which key partners like the Global Fund can scale up. The concept note for the call boasts that many of the interventions piloted by TB REACH grantees have then been taken up by national governments and others donors with $150 million of Global Fund and other donor funding being leveraged to scale up the work. The grant framework states thats that it is designed to help impactful proof of concept projects scale up their coverage and eventually link to other long-term funding sources such as governments, the Global Fund, and other donors. Type 3 projects under this call need to bring firm commitments for domestic resources or from another donor to scale up successful projects once TB REACH funding ends. It states that “an ideal example of this would be when countries use either their Global Fund allocation or catalytic funding to scale up and sustain impactful TB REACH approaches.” This suggested link to Global Fund grants will be important to emphasize to communities who wish to apply.

Eligible EECA countries with no restriction: Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

Eligible EECA countries with restrictions (applicants must provide a justification in their proposal that activities will target: areas with low TB case detection or poor treatment outcomes, poor populations, and/or people with limited access to existing TB care services): Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia.

Click here to see all the application resources, including the eligibility criteria, Wave 7 Grants Framework, budget Instructions and frequently asked questions.