Progress report on gender equality and key population action plans form the Global Fund

The Gender Equality and Key Populations: Results, Gaps and Lessons from the Implementation of Strategies and Action Plans report, released by the Community, Rights, and Gender (CRG) Department at the Global Fund, is technically a progress assessment of the Gender Equality Action Plan 2014-2016 and the Key Populations Action Plan 2014-2017, but is functionally an overview of the steps the Global Fund itself has taken since 2014 in the areas of gender equality and key populations, focusing narrowly upon the actions of the Secretariat, and not on the wider experience of Global Fund-supported programs.

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The report goes through the gender equality and key populations action plans objective-by-objective and provides examples of progress, wherever they were found, between 2014 and 2016.  The findings are then synthesized into a series of “strategic messages,” which form the heart of the document.

Aidspan has summarized each of the strategic messages in their article The Global Fund releases a progress report on its gender equality and key population action plans.



The report builds on the strategic messages with a series of recommendations directed at the Secretariat. The recommendation are as follows:

  1. Champion the rights and publicize the needs of women and girls, and key populations, through advancing the relevant commitments in the Strategy, and by continuing to play “a leading and catalyzing role within the global health architecture.”
  2. Develop and integrate updated action plans for gender equality and key populations, with accompanying accountability frameworks.
  3. Address the challenges (as articulated in strategic message 3).
  4. Build capacity and expertise on gender equality and key populations across the Secretariat, with emphasis on the Grant Management Division.
  5. Strengthen the focus and accountability of its strategic partnerships, particularly those with technical partners and community networks.

Some of these same themes are expected to be addressed in a thematic evaluation of the implementation of the Gender Equality Strategy at country level, which the Technical Evaluation Reference Group expects to release later this year.

To download the full version of the report in pdf, click on the image above.