Learn professional English!

Do you lack words to feel confident and communicate grammatically correctly at work? We can advise what you need! Please, be introduced to the series of textbooks Professional English in USE, which will help you to improve your vocabulary and confidence in English for work proficiency! Healthcare sphere includes specialists of completely different professions, every public organization has an accountant and a lawyer and it would be useful to any of them to be capable of conducting business in English, moreover, very often one person have such shared responsibilities, in this case the textbooks will help you to improve your knowledge in this direction in general! These textbooks contain the most up-to-date vocabulary of relevant spheres, examples, comparison of British and American English, tasks and interesting open questions, which you can discuss with us on our FB page. You can buy the textbooks in bookshops in your town and in the Internet. How to work with these textbooks? You can use them both independently, and with a teacher. Textbooks consist of ~50 sections, every section takes 2 pages – on the right you can find explanations, information placement, introduction to new vocabulary, on the left you can find exercises to reinforce new information. You can find answers to the majority of questions in the end of the book. You can also ask questions on our FB page, e-mail or Skype. It is not necessary to take every 40-50 sections, one after another. You can look through the list of contents in the beginning of the textbook and choose topics, which are interesting or problematic for you. You are kindly recommended to make sentences with new words and phrases, which directly refer to your work after completing every section, and, ideally, starting for the same day, use them in your business correspondence, writing of projects, reports, drawing up documentation. English for financial experts               Covers topics from 4 finance spheres: accounting, banking, corporate finance and economics and trade. English for lawyers               English for health professionals               English for international technologies and Internet network specialists               English in marketing sphere