Grants tender from “UN Women”

Trust Fund of United Nations accepts proposals for 20th granting cycle (2016) from civil organizations and government institutions, supporting actions aimed to prevention of violence against women.

 Particular attention will be paid to proposals from organizations which fight for women’s rights, organizations headed by women and small organizations (including youth organizations), which already made their contribution to support of women and girls on grassroots level.

Fund on gender equality issues is a UN granting mechanism for women SC, dedicated exclusively to economic and political expansion of women’s’ rights. In connection to high demand, Fund selects grantees every half a year by tender.

Deadline: May 4, 2016

Targeted for: civil organizations and government institutions

Grant amount: from minimum 50 000 dollars to maximum 1 million dollars

This year UN Trust Fund will support organizations, which meet criteria in terms of one of these three categories:

  1. three program direction of Fund strategy for 2015-2020;
  2. “special opportunity”, aimed to overcome violence against women and girls in the context of current crisis, caused by inflow of refugees,
  3. those, who were invited to submit proposals.

Who can apply:

  • Civil organizations and their networks, including NGO, women and local organizations and coalitions, institutions of operational research;
  • Government institutions of national and local levels;
  • Innovative and pilot projects, aimed to prevention of violence against women and girls will be supported.


Applicants can submit their granting offers for the amount from minimum 50 000 dollars to maximum 1 million dollars for the period of 2-3 years.

How to apply?

Proposal is submitted online. Deadline of project concept submission is May 4, 2016, 23:59 North American Eastern time (EST, UTC-5). Please, refer to the following documents for more detailed information:


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