Setting ambitious targets for European HIV response and reducing stigma:

EECA webinar for civil society and community leaders following WHO/ECDC regional meetings in Seville in September 2023

26th of October, 11.00 – 12.00 (Kyiv time)

Zoom Meeting

English/Russian with simultaneous translation

The aim of the webinar is to build a better understanding among community and civil society leaders of the national HIV response target-setting processes, and how WHO/ECDC guidelines impact setting such targets for the nearest years in priority countries.

Participants of the meeting will be updated on the results of two regional meetings organised by WHO/ECDC meetings in Seville in September, 2023:

  • Regional Meeting on the WHO guidelines dissemination for priority countries in the WHO European Region (11-12 Sept)  WHO_11-12 Sep_distribution set
  • Meeting “HIV in Europe and Central Asia in the era of the SDGs: Operationalising global and regional goals and achieving targets” (13-14 Sept)   ECDC_13_14SEP_distribution set

Outline of the webinar

1. Presenting key results of the meetings and the national target-setting process using the WHO guidelines. Overview of national targets defined during and after the meeting – WHO Europe office (Viacheslav Grankov)

2. Follow up on key issues highlighted and the meeting outcomes from civil society participants of the meeting (Ganna Dovbakh, EHRA, Vitaliy Djuma, ECOM, Maka Gogia, EATG)

The meeting is organized by the Regional Civil Society and Community Support, Coordination and Communication Platform – EECA”, implemented by Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA).

Webinar materials