WHO is looking for best practices of psychosocial support

Don't ignore this opportunity and share with WHO your best practices. 

Within the frame of implementation of the Regional action plans for TB, HIV and Viral hepatitis the WHO Regional Office for Europe is collecting and documenting the exiting experiences and practices on psychosocial support to patients with TB, HIV, Viral Hepatitis in order to sustain progress made so far by sharing lessons and good practices among countries and external partners. 

The questionnaire is designed to help us get your perspectives over the situation. This is a very important initiative that will serve to further disseminate successful experience in the region and will also strengthen the evidence base on the importance of psychosocial support for successful treatment. For civil society organizations, such evidence base will be useful in advocacy work aimed at the sustainability of services, as well as allocation of budget funding.

Please send your input/filled questionnaire till September 12 to Sayohat Hasanova (Technical Specialist, WHO Regional Office for Europe) by email: hasanovas@who.int with copy: chorna@tbcoalition.eu,oxana_rucs@yahoo.com, safartoday@gmail.com

The Questionnaire Form