Webinar on the results of the 50th meeting of the Global Fund‘s Board

The 50th meeting of the Global Fund‘s Board took place on 14 – 16 of November 2023 in Geneva.  

The aim of the webinar – is to provide the civil society and communities representatives from EECA region with an opportunity to receive the first-hand information about the key topics being discussed during this Board meeting, the decisions being made and discuss how these decisions could impact HIV and TB responses as well as availability of the Global Fund’s support for countries in our region.

Also, the participants will have an opportunity to address the representatives of two Delegations to the Global Fund Board from our region with all the questions they might have.

When: 29th of November 2023, 10.00 Kyiv \ Vilnius time. Duration – up to 1.5 hours.

Language: Russian\English with simultaneous translation

To take part in the webinar please register at:

https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvf-muqj0vHdZtEA4mNXBb62v-zMkf3Ubq ((registration required to participate, it could take 1 – 2 min to get registered)


Andriy Klepikov – Executive Director, Alliance for Public Health (Ukraine), alternate Developing Country NGO Delegation of the Global Fund

Vitaly Djuma — Executive Director, ECOM – Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity, alternate Developed Country NGO Delegation of the Global Fund

Facilitator –  EECA Regional Platform for Communication and Coordination

Indicative list of topics to be highlighted at the webinar (subject to change):

  • Key messages from the report of the Technical Review Panel on the GC7 funding requests
  • Key messages from the reporg of the GF ED
  • Looking ahead to Grant Cycle 7 – summary of key discussions on progress and observations from grant-making (including on CRG, RSSH, PPR, C19RM, Health Finansing)
  • Key from the Risk Management Report and decision on Risk Appetite Statement
  • Updated Approach to Blended Finance
  • Financial Oversight – Update to Quality Assurance Policies and on Co-Financing approaches
  • Strategy Oversight Matters – update on discussions on Climate and Health and CCMs
  • Update on Resource Mobilization
  • AOB

A summary of the key Decision Points for the 50th Board Meeting can be found on the Global Fund website: https://www.theglobalfund.org/en/board/meetings/50/

The webinar is organized by the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association as a host of the EECA Regional Platform in cooperation with Developing and Developed Country NGO Delegations to the Global Fund Board.

In case of questions regarding the registration for the webinar – please contact: eecaplatform@harmreductioneurasia.org

Webinar materials