Webinar: Implementation of Component 2 of the Global Fund’s CE Strategic Initiative in Kazakhstan and Moldova in 2021 – 2023: overview and lessons learned.


  • to inform communities and civil society in Kazakhstan and Moldova about the key activities being implemented in these counties as a part of CE SI Component 2 during 2021 – 2023, highlight their results, impact and benefits for the respective communities.
  • to inform the audience about key lessons learned
  • to facilitate a learning exchange among Component 2 CE SI partners

Target audience: communities of people living with and/or affected by HIV and TB in Kazakhstan and Moldova, partner organizations working with these communities in these countries.

When: November 30, 10 AM Chisinau time \ 14 PM Almaty time

Length: 1 hour

Language: Russian\English with simultaneous translation

Where: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtcOCrrzMpHNadLrBoRFy_m85DXkOtDg7x (registration required to participate, it could take 1 – 2 min to get registered)


  • Representative of GNP+
  • Representative of Positive Initiative (Moldova)
  • Representatives of TB Europe Coalition
  • Representative of Global Fund Secretariat CRG Team

Facilitation – EECA Regional Platform


  • Welcome, brief overview of the webinar’s objective and agenda – EECA Regional Platform (5 min)
  • Reminder about the CE SI and its Component 2 in particular, overall summary of the implementation of the current phase of the SI, information on the new phase of the CE SI (if any) – GF CRG Team representative (10 min)
  • Presentations of the implementing partners (35 min) including:
    • Brief introduction of the partner and its role in the project
    • Overview of the activities completed in 2021 – 2023.
    • Challenges faced, key results, impact and lessons learned
  • Q&A (10 min)