Webinar C19RM 2.0 – What is it, why and how to be involved, and what technical support opportunities are available for Civil Society and communities

When: 21st of April, 12 pm Kiev time

Length: 1 hour

Language: Russian / English

How to access: please register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpfu-oqjkoEtRB00LUV6BOm0prlKQKNeLT


  • Gilles Cesari, Senior Advisor, Key Populations and Community Responses, CRG Department, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
  • Erika Castellanos, Director of Programs, GATE
  • Ivan Varentsov, Coordinator of the EECA Regional Platform for Communication and Coordination, Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA)

Objectives: To inform Civil Society (CS) and communities’ representatives in EECA about the C19RM, why it is important for CS and community representatives to be involved into the country dialogue process, how they could be involved and what TA opportunities are available.

Target audience: Civil society and communities’ representatives from EECA involved in national and regional level Global Fund-related processes.


  • Welcome, brief overview of the webinar’s objective and agenda – EECA Regional Platform (5 min)
  • Information of the C19RM and brief overview of the new guidelines for C19RM 2.0 –  Global Fund (20 min)
  • Meaningful engagement of communities in C19RM 2.0. process – GATE (15 min)
  • TA opportunities available for communities within the CRG TA Program and from the Regional Platform with regard to C19RM – EECA Regional Platform (10 min)
  • Q&A (10 min)

Materials and presentations