
The Coordination Committee called on the Global Fund to support the fight against HIV epidemic in Russia

The Coordination Committee for the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in Russian Federation, responsible for ovrsight and coordination of the implementation of the Global Fund grants in Russia, called on the Global Fund to allocate funding to support civil society organizations in their fight against HIV epidemic in Russia for the next three years, and […]

Joint Statement in advance of the 41st Meeting of the Board of the Global Fund on the eligibility of the Russian Federation for HIV funding within the next allocation period

On May 15–16, 2019, the Board of the Global Fund will consider the updated allocation methodology for the 2020–2022 allocation period. Eurasian Harm Reduction Association, together with a number of partners, has initiated the preparation and collection of signatures under the NGO’s Joint Statement on the eligibility of the Russian Federation for HIV funding by […]

The sustainability of the results of the last Global Fund HIV grant for Russia are under a threat

Abstract: The results of the implementation of the recently closed HIV program in Russsia are under a threat due to the ineligibility of country for Global Fund‘s transition funding and unwillingness of the government to suppot the implemented activities. At the same time there is a chance that Ruissa could become eligible for GF HIV […]