
Letter to Global Fund on the emergency with sustainability of harm reduction in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Romania

In advance of the upcoming 42nd meeting of the Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund) as well as the Global Fund Regional Meeting for Eastern Europe and Central Asia to take place in Istanbul on 26-27 November, 2019, forty two (42) civil society and community organisations and networks […]

Transition of TB program in Romania: the role, opportunities and priorities for civil society

35 participants including civil society representatives, CCM members, Global Fund Portfolio Manager, experts from neighboring countries and representatives of the governmental structures gathered in Bucharest on 13 – 14 of June at a workshop to discuss what they can do for a greater sustainability of the country’s responses to the TB and HIV epidemics.

The impact of the Global Fund’s Eligibility Policy on access of KAPs to HIV services in Romania

Abstract: In the light of the recent approval of the Revised Global Fund’s Eligibility Policy at the 39th Meeting of the Global Fund Board this article provides an overview of the Romanian “eligibility story” and continuous attempts of Romanian NGOs to break the political barriers within the Global Fund and prove their eligibility to receive […]