Global Fund

Global Fund Webinar: the Full Review Application Approach

To support a preparation for the next funding cycle, the Global Fund will continue hosting its series of webinars over the next few months.

Workshop: Transition from Global Fund support of HIV and TB programs to national funding: role, opportunities and priorities for civil society in Albania

The workshop “Transition from Global Fund support of HIV and TB programs to national funding: role, opportunities and priorities for civil society in Albania” took place in Tirana, the capital city of Albania, on 23 – 24 of October and gathered 29 participants including civil society representatives, CCM members, representatives of the Global Fund CRG […]

Global Fund Donors Pledge US$14 Billion in Fight to End Epidemics

LYON, France –In an unprecedented show of global solidarity, donors at the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment Conference pledged US$14.02 billion for the next three years – the largest amount ever raised for a multilateral health organization, and the largest amount by the Global Fund. The funds will help save 16 million lives and end the epidemics […]

The Coordination Committee called on the Global Fund to support the fight against HIV epidemic in Russia

The Coordination Committee for the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in Russian Federation, responsible for ovrsight and coordination of the implementation of the Global Fund grants in Russia, called on the Global Fund to allocate funding to support civil society organizations in their fight against HIV epidemic in Russia for the next three years, and […]

Global Fund Replenishment Conference side event “Funding the Harm Reduction Response: Stepping up the fight to end AIDS among people who use drugs”

The Sixth Replenishment Conference of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, hosted by the government of France under the patronage of President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, on 9-10 October in Lyon.