Robert Carr Fund Request For Proposals Now Open

The Robert Carr Fund (RCF) for civil society networks is pleased to announce an open Request For Proposals (RFP) for 2019-2021.

Through this RFP, the Robert Carr Fund is inviting proposals from global and regional civil society networks addressing critical factors protecting the rights of inadequately served populations (ISPs); scaling up access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support; and assuring that resources are mobilized and utilized appropriately to respond to the global HIV epidemic. The goal of the Fund is to contribute to improved health, inclusion and social wellbeing for inadequately served populations (ISPs). To reach this goal, the Robert Carr Fund provides core funding to strengthen the institutional and advocacy capacity of regional and global ISP and civil society networks and/or their consortia.

Global and regional networks and consortia of networks which meet the definitions and criteria set by this RFP are invited to apply for a grant to support core funding and/or activity needs of the networks and/or consortia for up to three years (2019-2021). The deadline for submission of proposals is August 13, 2018 at 12:00 (noon) CET.

Please note applications will only be accepted through the online portal.

More detailed guidance can be found here.

To apply please click here.