Budget advocacy

Budget advocacy is strategic actions, which influence decision-making on justified allocation of budget funds.

World YWCA: Inviting Young Women for Short-term Advocacy Internship Program

The World Young Women’s Christian Association (World YWCA) is seeking applications for two or more short term internships for young women from the movement who are passionate about women’s rights and global change.

KPIF information conference calls follow-up

UNAIDS hosted 2 Q&A conference calls with PEPFAR representatives in order to allow civil society organisations willing to become Prime Recipients of the Key Populations Investment Fund to ask questions in relation to the opportunity. The Regional Platform-EECA team was able to participate in the first call.

«7 steps up the Civil society engagement ladder» – self-assessment test.

In this video Olga Belyaeva, a part of EHRN’s network members and community capacity building team, presents three stages of engaging civil society to participate in planning and management processes.

Key Populations Investment Fund: two informational conference calls

Prospective applicants are invited to two informational conference calls related to PEPFAR’s new initiative: Key Populations Investment Fund hosted by UNAIDS.