4 Harm Reduction European Conference

Harm Reduction conferences have a long lasting history in Europe, with in the last couple of years conferences in Marseille 2011, Basel and Amsterdam in 2014.

UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Ending TB

Heads of State will gather in New York on 26 September this year at the United Nations General Assembly first-ever high-level meeting on tuberculosis (TB) to accelerate efforts in ending TB and reach all affected people with prevention and care. The theme of the meeting is “United to end tuberculosis: an urgent global response to a […]

Transition to the sustainability of HIV response in EECA region: regional approach

On the 25 July, at the ActiveEast Zone in the Global Village of the AIDS 2018, EHRA organized a session “Transition to the sustainability of HIV response in EECA region: regional approach”.

Connecting NGO and communities representatives from Eastern Europe and Central Asia with 3 Delegations to the Global Fund Board

The session on “Connecting NGO and communities representatives from Eastern Europe and Central Asia with 3 Delegations to the Global Fund Board” was held in the The Global Fund Community Zone of the Global Village at the XXII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) on 25 July, 2018.

Call for Membership (2018 – 2020) to the Developing Country NGO Delegation to the Board of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

The Developing Country NGO Delegation to the Board of The Global Fund is currently inviting nominations for membership from individuals representing and working with NGO’s in the global south (Africa, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean).

Robert Carr Fund is looking for independent reviewers

Robert Carr Fund (RCF) is looking for a diverse pool of experts in the field of HIV, human rights, and inadequately served populations* with a focus on civil society and community responses to the epidemic.