Stop TB Partnership’s TB REACH: Call for proposals

TB REACH initiative is now accepting applications to fund innovative approaches and technologies which aim to increase the number of people diagnosed and treated for TB, to decrease the time to appropriate treatment and to improve treatment success rates.

Technical Support, funding and capacity building for EECA: current opportunities digest

Stay updated on what is going on in the region! Do not miss the next issue!

EJAF: Pioneer grants

Elton John AIDS Foundation is offering a funding opportunity for Russia and Ukraine.


EHRN is looking for community organizations of PLWH, PWID, as well as MSM and transgender people in Estonia, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan to apply for small grants.

Apply for a grant with Mama Cash

Mama Cash’s 2016 grantmaking window: from 1 April to 31 May. Groups that apply during this grantmaking window will receive a response from Mama Cash by 30 June 2016.

AIDS Fund (Netherlands)

International charitable organization ADIS Fund, located in Netherlands, offers a funding opportunity through small granting budget. However, chances to receive the grant are relatively small due to certain factors.