AIDS Fund (Netherlands)

International charitable organization ADIS Fund, located in Netherlands, offers a funding opportunity through small granting budget. However, chances to receive the grant are relatively small due to certain factors.


Small granting budget is reserved for short innovative and promising projects with the budget up to € 10,000. ADIS Fund evaluates only proposals, which first of all consider issues connected to HIV/AIDS. Small granting proposals fitting the requirements will be evaluated four times a year. Every quarter the amount of € 20,000 is available. In 2016 deadlines of proposal submissions are respectively 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October 2016.

The following proposals do not fit the requirements of the small grant:

— Proposals which first of all do not consider issues connected to HIV/AIDS

— Proposals with the requested budget over € 10,000

— Proposals written in languages other than English or Dutch

— Proposals for cover if organizational key expenditures if they are not the part of a certain project

— Proposals from private persons

— Proposals for individual trips and/or accommodation expenses

— Proposals for input in practice or trip connected to practice

— Proposals to input into volunteering work or expenses for trips connected to volunteering work

If you want to apply for the small grant, use this application form. You can submit your proposal to

Source: AIDS Fonds website