2 European Commission Action Grants: Gender-based Violence

1. European Commission Action Grants: Educating and Raising Awareness of Girls and Boys about Gender-based Violence

Deadline: 8 March 2017

Eligible Countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,  Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia

European Commission is seeking proposals from eligible organisations for its “Action grants to educate and raise the awareness of girls and boys about gender-based violence as a way to prevent it at an early stage”.

The aim of this call is to contribute to education and awareness-raising to prevent and combat gender-based violence, in particular by changing attitudes and behaviors towards the phenomenon.

Funding Information

  • the application must be transnational and involve organisations from at least two participating countries;
  • the EU grant applied for cannot be lower than EUR 75 000;
  • the project must not have started prior to the date of submission of the grant application;
  • the duration of the project must not exceed 24 months.

Focus Activities

This call will cover one or more of the following activities:

  • Education and awareness-raising activities, such as campaigns, exhibitions, workshops;
  • Capacity-building and training for professionals and volunteers who come into contact with girls and boys and who are or will be involved in education to end gender-based violence, including teachers and teacher educators, peer mentors, school counselors, sports coaches, youth leaders, organizers of extra-curricular activities and similar professionals and volunteers.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The applicants and partners must be public entities or private organisations or international organisations.
  • Organisations which are profit-oriented must submit applications in partnership with public entities or private non-profit-oriented organisations.

Details can be found on Action Grants website.

2. European Commission Action Grants: Promoting Access to Justice and Supporting Victims of Gender-based Violence

The deadline, countries, funding information and eligibility criteria are same as above

European Commission is seeking proposals from eligible organisations for its “Action grants to promote the access to justice and support of victims of gender-based violence and the treatment of perpetrators”.

The aim of the call is to contribute to the protection of and the support of victims of gender-based violence and the enforcement of legislation supporting such victims, as well as to the treatment of perpetrators of such violence. To ensure access to justice, protection and support, it aims to empower victims to report gender-based violence.

Focus Activities

  • Capacity building and training for professionals, in particular staff providing specialized support to victims of gender-based violence (e.g. through shelters and other forms of safe, accessible alternative accommodation, legal advice, medical and psychological counseling, helplines/hotlines, victim support organisations or other essential services for victims and their families) or providing treatment for perpetrators;
  • Capacity-building and training in relation to gender-specific and, if relevant, child-specific, issues, in particular for professionals (police, lawyers, teachers, medical practitioners, support and helpline staff, employers) who are first points of contact for victims of gender-based violence so that they can better meet the specific needs of vulnerable victims, including signaling the violence, and referring them to more specialist support services;
  • Specific support programmes targeting in particular some of the most vulnerable victims of gender-based violence who are refugees and migrants, people with disabilities, Roma, persons belonging to national, ethnic or religious minorities, LGBTI, elderly women, homeless women;
  • As regards support for victims of gender-based violence and perpetrator treatment: mutual learning, identification and exchange of good practices, development of working methods, including referral methods, which are transferable to other participating countries, as well as their practical implementation;
  • Awareness-raising activities, training and sharing of best practice among practitioners and/or support services about the rights of victims of gender-based violence and about the protection (including domestic protection orders and possible EU wide-extension on the basis of the Directive 2011/99/EU and Regulation 606/13) and support available, as well as about innovative protection methods (for example through the use of new technologies).

For more information, please visit Action Grants.

Both applications are to be carried out via the special online system. Guidance is available via the links above. 

Please visit the Action Grants website, where you can find much more detailed information and supporting documents. 

Source: FundsForNGOs