New UNAIDS Strategic Information Hub for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The new UNAIDS Strategic Information Hub for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (UNAIDS SI Hub) is now live and can be accessed at 

The purpose of this resource is to provide an online one-stop-shop for data, publications and strategic information about HIV (and related health issues) in EECA. It is publicly accessible to anyone online, but it aims to make information accessible and easy to find for specialists and policymakers working on HIV in governmental, non-governmental organizations and partners across EECA.

The hub is managed by UNAIDS RST in Moscow, with support from UNAIDS HQ. It currently features HIV data from the latest GAM reports, as well as published reports and presentations related to HIV in EECA. You can access the country-specific data and reports as well as reports and publications from the various menus. By selecting “data” and “factsheets”, you can generate and print Regional and Country factsheets as PDFs as well access as epidemiology slides with global and regional statistics.

The hub works in two official UN languages – English and Russian, but most of the publications will only be available in the language they are produced (and not translated into other languages by UNAIDS).

If you wish to contribute to the UNAIDS SI Hub or provide us with your feedback, please send your suggestions, data, publications and other materials to Dr Lev Zohrabyan, UNAIDS SI Regional Adviser (Tel: +7-495-663-6791), who is responsible for updating the UNAIDS SI Hub, will review your suggestions and revert back to you directly.

UNAIDS hopes people will make extensive use of the UNAIDS Strategic Information Hub for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and it gives a step forward in the use of HIV strategic information on a regular basis.

The source of the original information about the Hub.