Guide: New Ploitical Declaration as a Tool to Advocate for the Rights of MSM and Transgender People in the EECA

MSMGF, The Platform and ECOM have developed the Advocacy Guide for advocacy at the national level.

The Declaration falls short in many ways, in particular due to its treatment of MSM, transgender people, and other key populations. The declaration’s failure to adequately address the HIV epidemic among these populations means that they will remain invisible and will not receive the necessary resources and support to effectively respond to the HIV epidemic. The declaration also includes references that would allow states to define their own epidemics and responses, while ignoring evidence showing that MSM, transgender people, and other key populations are consistently at high risk of becoming infected with HIV.

The declaration also makes explicit reference to transgender people for the first time in the history of the UN General Assembly, an historic and significant achievement, given how invisible this population has been in the HIV response in the past.

The Political Declaration is available here.

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The guide analyzes the paragraphs of the Political Declaration relevant to MSM and transgender issues, and offers opportunities for advocacy at the national level.






Source: ECOM