Costing Guide and Tool for GC7 Community Priorities

Civil society and communities engaged in the Global Fund’s COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) in 2021 provided repeated feedback that in addition to technical assistance (TA) for identifying, systematizing, and prioritizing community priorities, TA for costing of community priorities is required.

To address the demand, the Costing Guide and Tool for GC7 Community Priorities were developed by Frontline AIDS in 2022 with the support of the Global Fund.

The main objective of this costing guide (and the accompanying excel costing tool) is to help guide the process of costing of civil society and community priorities during NFM4. The costing of civil society and community activities can often be intimidating for its members and this guide, in addition to providing templates for cost calculations, also aims to demystify this by suggesting alternative approaches to traditional costing process such as adjusting existing costs information of similar programs in the country or neighbouring countries before embarking on a full-blown costing exercise.

The Costing Guide and Tool for GC7 Community Priorities are available for download here: