Learning Session on Implementation of Component 2 of the Global Fund’s Community Engagement (CE) Strategic Initiative (SI) in Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan: what is being planned to support communities in 2024 – 2026


  • to inform the civil society including communities’ representatives in Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan and key partners about the activities being planned for the implementation in this country as a part of the Component 2 of the CE SI during the next 3 years, explain their aims and objectives, expected results, impact and how the communities’ representatives could be involved and benefit.
  • to facilitate synergies, collaborations and partnerships among Component 2 partners, EECA Regional Platform and communities and civil society at the country level.

Target audience: communities of people living with and/or affected by HIV and TB in Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan, representatives of KAPs, CSOs working with these communities and KAPs in this country as well as technical partners.


10.09.24, 12.00–13.30 Baku time; 14.00–15.30 Bishkek time

Language: Russian\English with simultaneous translation

Where: to take part in the session please register using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qcOmvrD4vGdc0q3kD0g0cq-ub3MrW3yHN


  • Representative of TBEC (Azerbaijan regional partner)
  • Representative of TB People Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan national partner)
  • Representative of Development 2006 (Azerbaijan national partner)
  • Representative of Azerbaijan TB NGO Coalition (Azerbaijan national partner)
  • Representative of INPUD (Kyrgyzstan regional partner)
  • Representative of Attika (Kyrgyzstan national partner)
  • Representative of PF “Equal to Equal” (Kyrgyzstan national partner)
  • Representative of GF CRG Team
  • Facilitation – EECA Regional Platform

Structure of the Learning Sessions’ agenda:

  • Welcome, brief overview of the session’s objective and agenda
  • CE SI and its Component 2
    1. CE SI overall aim, objectives, approach etc.
    2. Component 2: general information, overview of the results, challenges and lessons learnt from the previous cycle, outcomes of the evaluation report
    3. Information about the new phase: new partners within the Component 2, countries and communities to be covered, key focus of the Component 2 activities, etc.)
  • Presentations of the implementing partners from Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan:
    1. Brief introduction of the partner and its role in the project.
    2. Overview of the activities being planned for 2024 – 2026 in country and expected results.
    3. Opportunities for engagement and collaboration: how can communities beyond the immediate partners engage/benefit.
  • Moderated discussion
