
The EECA Resource Center is aimed to gather all necessary information about issues on communities, rights, gender, technical assistance and anything, connected to activities of the Global Fund and other donors in the region. Here you will find publications, videos, links to learning courses and a lot of other useful information. We are always open to your suggestions, comments and will be happy to post your resources in our Resource Center.

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TB Key Populations Briefs

StopTB Partnership launches two Tuberculosis Key Populations briefs. focusing on healthcare workers and people, living with HIV.

Community Guides

Regional Platform for Communication and Coordination for Anglophone Africa, hosted by EANNASO have released 9 Community Guides, providing us with an overview and explaining key points of main Global Fund documents relevant to CRG.

Community Update for KP and CS Advocates: The 2017-2019 GF Funding Cycle: the diferentiated funding application process and how to engage.

ICASO and the Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF) have jointly prepared an alert to provide an update to Key population and Civil society advocates who have been or are planning to be involved with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS TB and Malaria as an implementer, advocate, or member of a Country Coordinating […]