Call for nominations: RCNF ISC civil society members

The Robert Carr Civil Society Networks Fund International Steering Committee is seeking nominations for new civil society members.

The Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund has announced a call for nominations to identify 2 or 3 new representatives from civil society to serve as members for the RCNF International Steering Committee (ISC).

The main roles of the ISC are to set strategic direction, define funding priorities and eligibility criteria for grants in a given funding cycle, maintain oversight and approve proposals for funding, based on the advice of the Program Advisory Panel (PAP).

Self-nominated applicants will be reviewed and comparatively scored by a selection panel established by International Civil Society Support (ICSS) – an independent civil society partner appointed by the ISC. After completion of the nomination and selection process, only the successful incoming ISC civil society members will be contacted to join the ISC.

For more information please read the full call for nominations. To apply you need to fill in the nomination form (Word document) and submit your application, no later than 1 July 2016.

Please submit your application with subject matter: 2016 ISC CIVIL SOCIETY NOMINATION FORM with the following attachments:
 Completed nomination form
 A letter of support from your/a relevant organisation/network (confirming support of time required to RNCF)
 A reference letter (from organisation/network other than the letter of support (outlining why you should be considered for this position)
 CV (max. 2 pages)

Regional Platform-EECA team will gladly assist you in the process, please contact us at: