Action plans on HIV and viral hepatitis in WHO European region

In September 2016, 66th session of regional WHO European committee was conducted, where 53 states-members of WHO European region adopted new Action plan for the health sector response to HIV-infection in WHO European region and first Action plan for the health sector response to viral hepatitis in WHO European region, framework documents which determine strategic directions and priority actions of healthcare sectors in countries on HIV-infection and hepatitis.

Action plan for the health sector response to HIV-infection in WHO European region

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The document consists of 25 pages and contains general information on the plan, including concept, aim, strategic indicators and detailed description of planned activities on five strategic directions of the Plan and description of measures to take immediately to perform milestones to 2020, connected to each direction:




  1. Information for aimed actions:

It is necessary to have an idea of character of HIVepidemics and countermeasures to take retaliation measures in accordance with current situation

  1. Interference to impact:

All people should receive all range of services on HIV-infection prevention and treatment, necessary for them

  1. Service provision for observance of the principle of justice:

All people should receive necessary services, of the quality, which is enough to make necessary impact

  1. Funding to provide sustainability:

All people should receive services necessary for them without having financial difficulties

  1. Innovations to scale-up:

Change of the pattern of counter-measures to HIV-infection to achieve ambitious target values

Action plan encourages health sector to act immediately and fast to fight HIV-infection, using the approach aimed at people.

Action plan for the health sector response to viral hepatitis in WHO European region 

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This document is the first Action plan for the health sector response to viral hepatitis in WHO European region. The plan is targeted to fight all five viral hepatitis with the specific accent on hepatitis B and C.

General goal of the Action plan is to achieve elimination of viral hepatitis as a threat to public health in European region to 2030 by decreasing incidence and mortality caused by viral hepatitis and complications connected to them, and by providing fair access to recommended services on prevention, testing, treatment and care for all people.


In order to achieve relevant milestones and aims to 2020 and 2030, actions have to be taken in five strategic directions:

  1. Information for aimed actions:

To create strong strategic informational systems to understand character of viral hepatitis epidemics and organize aimed countermeasures

  1. Interference to impact:

People should receive all range of services connected to hepatitis

  1. Service provision for observance of the principle of justice:

All people who need services connected to hepatitis should receive them and these services should be of proper quality

  1. Funding to provide sustainability:

People should receive services necessary for them connected to hepatitis without having financial difficulties

  1. Innovations to scale-up — moving to the future:

To achieve progress on the way to elimination of viral hepatitis epidemics, new technologies and approaches are necessary