10 civil society priorities for the outcome document of the High Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS

This document highlights the 10 10 priorities that civil society would like to see included in the outcome document of the High Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS that is to take place in New York in June 2016.

If you would like to endorse, please send your organization’s name to hlm2016@icaso.org before May 16, 2016.

  1. Leave no one behind
  2. Protect and uphold human rights
  3. Decriminalize HIV transmission, exposure and non-disclosure
  4. Ensure treatment access now
  5. Revive the prevention revolution
  6. Achieve gender equlaity
  7. Recognise and respond to HIV among socially marginalized groups
  8. Fully finance a comprehensive HIV response
  9. Support community responses
  10. Establish strong accountability mechanisms to ensure commitments are met

You can read the more detailed description of each priority here.

Please distribute among your networks and partners and ask them to endorse and further distribute.

Please feel free to adapt for your own advocacy.

If you have any questions or if you would like to tell us about your advocacy successes and challenges in the process leading to the high level meeting, please write to hlm2016@icaso.org