The brochure “CSOs and Community lnsights: Lessons Learned from GC7 Country Proposal Development in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan”

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The brochure “CSOs and Community lnsights: Lessons Learned from GC7 Country Proposal Development in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan” has been published.

In 2023, most countries in the EECA region prepared their country funding request to the Global Fund (GF) within the new allocation period 2023-2025.

TBEC provided short-term technical assistance to four countries in the region: Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Thanks to this technical support, representatives of CSOs and communities in these countries were able to identify their main priorities and develop targeted interventions that reflect their needs.

However, despite the innovations introduced, CSOs and communities encountered obstacles at every stage of the process when preparing funding request for this cycle.

This document compiles the main challenges and recommendations for overcoming them. Taking them into account in the future will ensure a more rational approach to the preparation and involvement of CSOs and communities in the requests preparation process.