Model Descriptions of Innovative Harm Reduction Interventions in GC7

A number of countries in the EECA region have begun the process of preparing applications for Global Fund grants within the new allocation period for 2023–2025. The seventh cycle of the Global Fund grants is an important opportunity for countries to access funding for comprehensive harm reduction services for people who use drugs and supportive structural interventions such as advocacy for law and policy reform, including decriminalization.

In response to questions and the difficulties you voiced in preparing justified and formalized interventions in accordance with the established criteria, EHRA prepared model descriptions of innovative interventions for harm reduction programs in the 7th Global Fund grant cycle. Model descriptions are available below.

Given the complexity of the harm reduction interventions you propose and the significant variability in the context in which such programs are implemented in your countries, we would be happy to provide more information on the proposed interventions, as well as provide technical assistance in preparing the following information:

  • sections (1) intervention(s) and key interventions, (2) priority populations, (3) barriers and inequalities, (4) rationale;
  • budgeting for your proposed interventions;
  • providers for your proposed interventions.