Technical assistance to support the meaningful engagement of civil society within Global Fund’s NFM4

It is well known that the preparations are underway for the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment.  By the end of this year countries could expect to begin receiving official allocation letters from the Global Fund and starting from March 2023 will start submitting requests for the Global Fund grants.

In this regard, the Global Fund, as part of the technical assistance component of its Community Engagement Strategic Initiative (formerly known and Community, Rights and Gender Strategic Initiative) has made a separate track of technical assistance in order to ensure meaningful participation of civil society representatives in the preparation of country requests for Global Fund grants within the new funding cycle.

The following community engagement areas are prioritized for NFM4 related technical assistance:

  • Track A: Situational analysis and needs assessment

 A.1 CRG-related assessment to inform NFM4 funding request development

 A.2 NFM3 program review to inform NFM4 funding request development

  • Track B: Engagement in country dialogue processes

 B.1 Community consultation(s) to inform priorities for NFM4 funding requests

 B.2 Coordinating input into key GF-related documents (e.g., funding request or grant-making documents)

  • Track C: Supporting design and implementation arrangements

 C.1 Costing support

Civil society and communities’ representatives from those EECA countries whose HIV and TB components are being eligible to receive an allocation for the 2020-2022 period are invited to submit the requests for this technical assistance!

To receive the required TA the next steps should be taken:

  • To clarify, for example with the CCM, when exactly your country is planning to submit the request for the new funding (and if in 2023 – within which particular submission window)
  • Reach out to the EECA Regional Platform for assistance with developing of the TA request
  • Select TA track(s) and sub-activities most relevant for your NFM4 planning needs
  • Follow the prompts in red for how to complete form (e.g. listing organizations/networks involved, providing detailed costing of workshops and data collection related costs)
  • Submit your TA request at least six months before your country’s NFM4 window

The updated TA Request Form you may download here, in Russian or English:

Also, here you may download the presentation “Community Engagement SI: Short-Term Technical Assistance For NFM4” presented at the recent EECA Regional Platform webinar by the representative of the Global Fund Secretariat.