Webinar «Opportunities for civil society and TB communities from EECA region within the Global Fund Allocation Cycle 2020-2022»

On May 15:00 form 3 pm to 4:30 (Kyiv time) TB Europe Coalition will held the second webinar from a series of webinars – «Opportunities for civil society and TB communities from EECA region within the Global Fund Allocation Cycle 2020-2022»

How to join the webinar: Only registered participants will be sent a Zoom link.

To register, please fill out a short online form using the link https://forms.gle/5Kz5CTqmrEeboBhJ9

Organizers apologize for the inconvenience, but this is a necessary security measure due to the fact that first webinar was attacked by hackers.

Language: English and Russian (consecutive translation)

Speakers of the webinar:

  • Dr. Asker Ismayilov, Advocacy and Technical Officer of the Stop TB Partnership Secretariat, Geneva – «UNHLM targets and financial implications for EECA countries»
  • Sharonnan Lynch, HIV & TB advisor for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières – «Access to new regimes and medicines and how to include new opportunities in the GF application»
  • Ivan Varentsov, Sustainability and Transition Advisor of the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association – «Opportunities in technical assistance under the Communities, Rights and Gender SI and other technical support opportunities within the GF application preparation»
  • Oksana Ibragimova, Acting President of the «Kazakhstan Union of People Living with HIV» – «Practical tips for CSOs in obtaining technical assistance when preparing the GF application, an example from Kazakhstan»

If you have additional questions or difficulties with registration, please write to the email – kalancha@tbcoalition.eu, Yuliia Kalancha, TBEC Advocacy and Policy Manager