Global Fund Update: funding request submission windows

Some key information from the Global Fund's Access to Funding Department about the submission windows.

Global Fund awares of the extraordinary challenges the implementing countries are facing due to the rapidly evolving Covid-19 pandemic. Considering this, the Global Fund is introducing timing flexibilities for funding request submissions for Windows 2 and 3.

Global Fund will offer three submission dates for Window 2 review, and two submission dates for Window 3 review.  This will allow applicants to submit their funding requests as soon as they are ready and then quickly move to grant-making. Global Fund plans to deliver the TRP Review and Recommendation Form within 8 weeks from each submission date.  Global Fund encourages and supports applicants to prepare their funding requests as soon as feasibly possible to get new, high-impact grants implementation -ready in a timely manner and step up the fight against the three diseases as well as strengthen health systems (which also includes pandemic preparedness).

Here are the updated submission dates which are now published on the Global Fund website.  

Window 2 submission dates:
Window 2a: 30 April
Window 2b: 31 May
Window 2c: 30 June

Window 3 submission dates:
Window 3a: 31 July
Window 3b: 31 Aug

In addition, here are responses to some of the most pressing frequently asked questions related to Access to Funding:

Interim FAQs:

How can we organize an inclusive, transparent country dialogue in these circumstances?

CCM Eligibility Requirements remain unchanged and the Global Fund strongly encourages countries to creatively use all available alternatives to continue inclusive and transparent funding request development, even if the form it takes is different than planned. This can include using technology, like WhatsApp or Zoom, to reach relevant stakeholders and ensure the funding request is developed with the required inputs. Global Fund will publish a guidance note with best practices for remote dialogue on its website.

Can I submit my funding request if it is not fully complete?

Applicants are encouraged to submit completed, high quality funding requests. However, a two week ‘clarifications’ period is available after submission so that countries can send in remaining pieces of information or make further refinements. The Global Fund country team can assist the CCM in assessing submission readiness.

Are CCM signatures from all constituencies still required?

CCM members are still required to endorse the funding requests but the Global Fund will accept alternative forms of endorsement when physical signatures are not possible (e.g. endorsement by email, photo of signature on funding request sent by text message, endorsement by WhatsApp, etc.), as long as they can confirm the intent of the relevant CCM member.

It is possible for this CCM endorsement to be completed during the clarification period, in the two weeks following funding request submission.

Can we include COVID-19 interventions in new funding requests?

The Global Fund continues to encourage all applicants to invest in building resilient and sustainable systems for health, however COVID-19 specific interventions should not be included in new funding requests.

Can we postpone completing some of the sections or annexes currently required for the funding request?

The Global Fund is considering whether any funding request requirements could be delayed until grant-making and will communicate this once decided.  

In this exceptional circumstance can Global Fund grant funds be used to pay for consultants to write the funding request?

No, Global Fund grant funds may not be used to fund consultants to write the funding request.  Global Fund encourages all applicants to continue to access virtual Technical Assistance from partners using digital tools.